Featured Speakers:

Laura Evans

Senior Vice President of Sales,
Shaklee Corporation

Dr. Jamie McManus,

Chairman, Medical Affairs, Health Sciences
and Education, Shaklee Corporation

Our Sponsoring Organizations

George & DeDe Shaw, Carolyn & Eddie Wightman, Bo Short, The Pinnacle Group.

Click below to hear more about the Leadership Summit!

Listen to a call with some exciting news about the Leadership Summit:
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Thursday Evening March 7th - 7:00 pm
Special Opportunity Meeting Open To All
Hosted by Bo Short & Tony Underwood

March 8th - 10, 2013

Orlando, Florida
Marriott Renaissance Hotel

7:00 pm to 10:30 pm (Session 1)

9:00 am to 2:00 pm (Session 2)
7:00 pm to 10 pm (Session 3)

10:00 am to 1:00 pm (Bonus Session)

Click to Order


Limited Rooms Available at the discounted rate of $109, which includes resort fees, free internet and free parking. Please make your reservations early, one room per Distributorship.

Click here for room registration.


How did this Leadership Summit come to be?

For the past several years the Shaws and Wightmans have hosted an annual event in South Florida called “WINTERFEST.” At last year’s event in March 2012, Bo Short was our guest speaker. When we all got together at dinner, we were talking about the team meetings we were planning for 2013. We thought it would be a great idea to do one together. Orlando was selected as the site, the dates and location have been secured, and now you and your groups are invited to attend.

*See registration page for information on $50 Shaklee Corporation incentive!

Laura Evans
Senior Vice President, Shaklee Corporation

George & DeDe Shaw
Presidential & Lifetime Master Coordinators

Carolyn & Eddie Wightman
Presidential & Lifetime Master Cooordinators

Bo Short
Senior Master Coordinator

Rob Loomis
Presidential & LIfetime Master Coordinator

Emily Reeves & Robin May-Reeves
Lifetime Master Coordinators

Kathryn & Rodney Naef
Master Coordinator

Kaye & Bob Ferguson
Senior Master Coordinators

Marilyn Baer
Senior Master Coordinator

Jennifer & Dan Glacken
Senior Master Coordinators

Mollie Pratt
Master Coordinator

Terrence Coakley & Joanne Nistico
Master Coordinators

Suzanne & Stephen Chaney
Master Coordinators

Charlene Fike
Master Coordinator

William & Nancy Firth
Master Coordinators

Kathy Aleman
Master Coordinator

Lynn & Charlie Benevento
Master Coordinators

Roland Oosterhouse
Presidential Master Coordinator

Copyright 2013 - The ProSeries Training & The Leadership Summit